
Hypno-wellness ~ Empower yourself…

Re-program you mind and body to help achieve your goals and create lifelong positive behaviors and habits.

Each session is one-on-one with Nancy Soderberg and uses the state of the art Neuro-wave technology.  The Neuro-wave experience offers a gentle wave-like motion accompanied by state of the art vibro-acoustic technology allowing for deep relaxation, more restful sleep, brain synchrony, mental clarity, lymphatic drainage, gentle full body detox, increased immune function, sensory integration and deeply enhanced hypnosis.

With just one session most clients find a profound difference.  Some changes can take 3-8 sessions to create a lifelong change.  I recommend making it a part your wellness program once a month, or more often to work through specific issues.

We offer a complementary phone consult to answer any questions about how Hypno-wellness will help you!